Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Research opportunity for LGBTs


I am working on my Master of Arts Degree at the University of Washington, Tacoma. For my thesis, I am conducting a research study to explore the sexual development in LGBT adults. Please read complete details below.
I am emailing now to invite you to participate in an on-line survey for the study.

If you are willing to participate in the survey, please clink on this link.

IMPORTANT: The log-in for the website is “lgbt” (lower case, no quotation marks) and the password is “survey” (lower case, no quotation marks).

Please forward this email to others who might also be interested in participating.

If you have any questions about the survey or the study, please let me know. You can call my supervisor Dr. Nita McKinley at (253) 692-4543, email me at,
or mail me at the address below. Please remember that we cannot guarantee the confidentiality of any information sent by email.
I know your time is valuable and I would like to thank you for your time.

Colleen Forde, Masters of Arts Student
Supervisor: Nita McKinley, PhD
IAS, University of Washington, Tacoma
1900 Commerce Street
Tacoma, WA 98402

INFORMATION ON STUDY: The purpose of this research is to study developmental sequencing of sexual behavior such as kissing, dating, petting, and sexual act/activities in adults who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, and/or transgender. The research will examine specific sexual behaviors and the age in which you first engaged in those behaviors.

This research is important because understanding sexual development can be invaluable to families, educators, therapist and researchers. However, you will probably not directly benefit.

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